Welcome to the only Eastern Orthodox Christian parish serving the greater Denton, Texas region and bearing witness to the fullness of the Christian Faith "once-for-all delivered to the saints" by Christ's Apostles and preserved in the Church until this day. The weekly Resurrectional Vigil is served Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. and the Sunday Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
Psalm 122:1
With God's help, St. Maximus Orthodox Church desires to build a temple traditionally designed to serve as a house of prayer, a place set apart for the worship of the living God. To our knowledge, this will be the first temple built in honor of St. Maximus anywhere in the Americas.

“The Orthodox Christian Church is evangelical, but not Protestant.
It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman.
It is not denominational, it is pre-denominational.
It has believed, taught, preserved, defended, and died for the
Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago.”
– Our Life in Christ
If you are a member of another Orthodox parish planning to visit St. Maximus, we look forward to meeting you. Please call or email the priest ahead of time to let him know that you are coming, especially if you desire to receive Holy Communion at (940) 293-3032 or StMaximus@protonmail.com.